About Me

Hi there! My name is Michael Mehler and I am a student at William and Mary. I am pursuing a B.S. in Computer Science and am strongly interested in software development. I have experience with many coding languages and frameworks and am excited to continue learning!

  • Web App Development

    I have experience developing web applications using:

    - Frameworks such as Flask, Spring Boot, Bootstrap, and Thymeleaf

    - Coding languages such as Python, Java, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

  • App Development

    I have experience developing games using:

    - Pygame framework and Python

    - Photoshop to create the game pieces

  • Leadership/Teamwork

    I have demonstrated these skills through:

    - Being the House Manager for the Sigma Pi - Alpha Eta Chapter

    - Founding an e-commerce store using the drop-shipping business model

  • Freelance Web Development
    - Developed a webpage for a customer who needed a personal website for advertising their company products and services
  • Watford Football Club (WFC) Enables Disability Group
    - I am head of instagram for this organization, posting about news and updates regarding the group
  • Google Developer Student Club
    - Learnt the steps and implementation of full software development cycle
  • The College of William and Mary
    - Persuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science
  • Westfield High School, New Jersey
    - High School graduate

My Projects

Stock Portfolio Simulator

- Developed web app that allows a user to create an account and invest simulated money into realtime stocks showing P&L, allowing the user to see how their investments would perform without risk.

- Created web app using: Python, Flask, SQLITE, API to gather stock data, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

Never Tie Tic-Tac-Toe

- Developed a version of tic-tac-toe where the oldest game piece disappears causing the game to never tie

- Created app using: Python, Pygame framework, PhotoShop

In Progress - Vinyl Finder

- A web application that will scrape the internet for the lowest prices in a vinyl that the user searched

- I am planning on using HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Boostrap, Thymleaf, Java, Springboot, PostgreSQL, and JSoup

See more

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